christmas project
Every year our Southwood family chooses a cause to support for the Christmas Holiday.
who are we supporting?
This year we have decided to adopt families through the Anna's House Christmas Program. Many of you that have been at Southwood for several years may remember us working with Anna's House to adopt families in the past and working with them at The Lord's Pantry food pantry. They have wonderful programs and bless so many families in need and we are excited to be a part of the Christmas Program again in 2022.
why are we supporting them?
What most of us consider to be a normal Christmas morning of opening gifts by the Christmas tree will not be a reality for these families without our help. The Adopt-A-Family program at Anna's House has brought the gift of Christmas to so many children over the years. We want to help keep the Christmas program going this year and really bless these families by not only providing their kiddos with gifts, but by providing some of their basic needs as well with grocery gift cards, toiletries and cleaning supplies.
what are we doing?
We have "wish lists" from each child. Because of the financial hardship situation these families are currently in, most of the items asked for are necessities like winter coats and shoes. We plan to provide for all of these needs and want to add in a little Christmas fun for the kiddos as well with some toys, candy and some gift cards for the older kiddos.
On Sunday, November 6th, we will have a Christmas Project display set up in the lobby with gift tags for every item we will need to purchase for the project. You can choose items that you'd like to personally shop for or you can make a financial contribution that will be used to purchase the items that didn't get taken from the display and the toiletry/cleaning items. Bring back your gifts by Sunday, November 27th and leave them in the Christmas Project Box that will be in the lobby. We ask that you please include a gift receipt (just ask your cashier for one at the start of your transaction) with all clothing items as we don't want a kiddo who needs clothing to get it and have it fit poorly without the abiliity to exchange it.
Then, on Saturday, December 3rd, we will have a wrapping party in the chapel where we will join together to wrap the gifts with love and pray over them before they are delivered to the families. If you would like to make a delivery, you can let Mystie know and you can be responsible for dropping off gifts to one of the families (most likely the week of December 4th but these appointments haven't been scheduled with the families yet).
how can you help?
You can either choose a gift item(s) to shop for from the Christmas Project display or make a financial contribution toward our 2022 Christmas Project. Our projected cost of this project is approximately $2,500-3,000 (pricing on clothing and toys is variable so hard to make an exact budget). Donations can be made via cash, check or debit/credit card. You may drop cash or check contributions into the red offering baskets at the Welcome Center or mail to the church - please make sure to note "Christmas Project" on your giving envelope. If you prefer to make a donation online, click the "DONATE NOW" button below. This will connect you to our online giving platform - once you are connected please select "Christmas Project" from the drop down menu of funds.
If you have any questions about this year's Christmas Project, making a contribution, the wrapping party/deliveries or about Southwood Church in general - please don't hesitate to reach out. We can be contacted via email at Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this project!